
Cheats, Hacks, Duping, and Exploits

Strictly forbidden. Bug abusing for self-benefit is considered an exploit. Severe punishments will be applied (Minimum ban/Permanent ban). Bugs must be reported to a GM/Admin.


All players, Game Masters, and Admins must be respected. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Do Not Attack Flagged GMs

GMs have their tags on to do work. Attacking a flagged GM will result in punishment at the GM's discretion.

No Advertising

Advertising in-game, on Ventrilo, or forums is forbidden and will result in an instant ban for a significant period.

Officer Chat Language

Only English is allowed in officer chat.

No Spamming Officer Chat

Spamming officer chat is forbidden. Multiple offenses will lead to a ban.

Swearing and Capslock in Officer Chat

Both swearing and the use of all caps in officer chat are forbidden.

No Racism

Racism in any chat is strictly forbidden and will result in severe punishments (Account mute/ban).

Character Names

Must be appropriate. Inappropriate names will require a name change and may result in a character ban.

Account Sharing, Trading, Giving-Away, and Selling

All of these actions are strictly forbidden and will result in account bans.

No Spawnkilling

Camping a spawn point where players port to or spawn at is not allowed.

No Corpse-Camping

Camping a player's corpse where they revive is forbidden.

No Resetting a Boss to Gain Loot Control

Resetting a boss to full health to gain control of the loot is forbidden and will result in severe punishments.

No Scamming

Scamming or attempting to scam is forbidden. Non-compliance in returning the scammed item will result in severe punishment.

No Scripting

Scripting is forbidden.

No Impersonating a GM or Admin

Impersonating a GM or Admin is strictly forbidden and will result in an instant ban at the GM's discretion.

Be Polite and Mature

Players are expected to be polite and mature in-game. Help new players by giving advice or pointing them in the right direction.


Any of these rules, if broken, have consequences determined by the Admin or GM enforcing them.